Wednesday, December 22, 2021

How to care for window tint after getting your car tinted.

Congratulations! on your newly tinted car. To maximize the longevity of your window film here are some very simple steps you need to take to make sure your tint does not go bad on you before its expected expiration or however long it was created to last. As a side note, you should know that all window tints are manufactured with a rough estimate of when it will go bad on you. You can find out more from your installer. 

#1: We recommend your leave your windows rolled up for a minimum of 3-5 days. The reason is window films are installed in many different climates from extremely freezing weather to extremely hot weather. So if you're in a colder climate we recommend you wait it out for at least 5 days.

#2:  DO NOT USE AMMONIA-BASED PRODUCTS. Simply because ammonia breaks down polyester. Your window film is made out of polyester. Your window film will become flaky as a result of your use of ammonia-based window cleaner.

#3: Use a damp soft cloth like a microfiber towel with mild soap to wipe away paw prints and dirt. If you want to fancy yourself you can use an AMMONIA-FREE window cleaner.

#4: Rub gently, use a second microfiber towel for drying

#5 DO NOT USE ANY ABRASIVE MATERIALS it will ruin your day!

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