Tuesday, July 3, 2018

How to care for your new window tint job of you car.

Your new window film will take upto 2 weeks to fully dry, sometimes a lot longer depending on film brand, type, and weather conditions. Until this time your tinted windows may appear hazy, and it may seem to have water bubbles. This is a normal drying process. Do not roll your tinted windows down for at least 3 to 5 days.

When cleaning a car’s tinted windows, make sure to use an ammonia-free cleaner, as ammonia will break down the polyester causing flaking and color changes. Do not clean windows with abrasive pads or cleaners; use a soft cloth, a clean synthetic sponge or micro fiber towels.

Caution should be used when releasing seat belts as small chips can be made in the window film due to the seat belt hitting the glass as it is released.

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